Those who set their hearts on the sea
also set their hearts on freedom.
Freedom lovers like wind on the skin.
A little smell of sun,
Then salt taste
Then at the first light of the morning to is lighting you.
Then the moon shining at night. Then to sleep in the starry nights, the moonlight, after swimming in the depths of the blue during the day, in the bays of the Aegean at night and sleeping with the starry sky.
We invite you to follow the traces of time in the Aegean bays, where legends and mythology leave traces one after another.
To be in the water in every shade of blue. To sleep at night in the company of cicadas and in the nook of virgin coves.
Let the moon slowly set in the morning and invite you to life with all the colors and scents of the sun….

To live in a boat in every shade of blue, turquoise, white and green, fill the wind with the sails and say "heave up the anchor" and go from one bay to another. To explore the coves. To follow the footsteps of history in those bays. On the shore of an island, picking sea cowpeas and cheering up the table when it's time for a drink in the evening.
Dipsasyios said to himself as long as you let him, “these waters will wash you away. It will bless with every shade of blue. There will be salt on your skin, the sun on your breath. He will become a star at night and breathe peace into his soul. And you will return from here with the taste of the sea on your palate, your soul calm and your hair saturated with water and sun… Life will bless you in the blue voyage of the Aegean and you will present yourself to life. You will say I exist, one with the fish, the sea and the blue sky. I exist and poseidon who will breathe life into his sail...
From the moment you cross the port to Kedi with a thin gangway, you will step into a blue and white week. Your journey, now a part of the Kedi, will begin as you take rope from the port.
You will leave the big and big loads of the big city there and step into a completely different life with a tiny backpack, two T-shirts, two shorts, a few swimsuits and sea glasses.
You will open the sail and glide after the wind on the white foams and mingle with the magical world of the Aegean.
At the first break, you will leave yourself to the blue of the Aegean. Then a magical week will begin. You will dip your first bite in Aegean olive oil accompanied by sailor breads in the cat's kitchen.
The blue voyage will begin with the first step Without commemorating the masters who gifted us this voyage, without remembering Sadun Bora, who traveled the world with his tiny boat, without getting lost in the memories of the fisherman of Halicarnassus. The blue cruise will be incomplete without seeing the fish watching us on a rock in Bedri Rahmi Bay.
Such is the sea… All tiredness disappears with the first swim and the best dream is taken while sleeping under the stars on the cat’s deck…
In other words, you will leave behind the big burdens of big cities and say hello to a brand new you in the world of a sailboat, Let your big bags be left behind. Your big tables, your tumultuous traffic… Gift yourself a week to lighten up with a sailboat. May it be a bonus for you to be satisfied with the sea and the sun of the Aegean,,,